12008 West Rd 110 South
Grinnell, KS 67738
United States
We are a locally owned, hydroponic greenhouse, that operates year round. We grow several types of lettuce, herbs, and cucumbers, which we sell to local grocery stores, hospitals, schools, restaurants. Individuals may place orders to be picked up at our greenhouse, via our website, www.4bfarmllc.com.
We are located north and west of Grinnell, Kansas, just one mile east, and one and a quarter miles north of Angelus, Kansas. We offer tours that can be prescheduled by calling 785-824-8052. Schools, clubs, and groups are welcome, we do not do individual tours due to time constraints.
**DO NOT USE THE GOOGLE DIRECTIONS - THEY ARE INCORRECT!** Call us for accurate directions - 785-824-8052 or 785-824-8051