209 N Cedar Street
Moran, KS 66755
United States
Moran Locker is a full service meat processing facility owned by Mitch and Sharon Bolling. We are state inspected processing daily and state inspected slaughter to ensure the highest safety and quality standards in the industry. We have been in our Moran location for 30 years. Our services include inspected processing of beef, pork, lamb, goat, buffalo, and elk. We provide wild game processing as the seasons change. Moran locker smokes and cures, in-house, our own hams, bacon, summer sausage, stix, and jerky. We also offer full retail sales of beef, pork, and poultry products as well as monthly bundles and specials. Finally we offer the highest of quality in beef. We sell Black Angus cross and have numerous customers who will testify to our quality.
Moran Locker is located at 209 N Cedar, Moran, Kansas 66755 and serves as our butcher and slaughter location for our meat market. This site is state inspected daily for quality control.