8020 SE Croco Rd
Berryton, KS 66409
United States
We are a small, family run homestead located 20 miles southeast of Topeka. We raise St. Croix hair sheep, Silver Fox rabbits and several varieties of chickens. They are all fed species-specific feed; the sheep are on pasture or hay, the rabbits are fed a small amount of pellets and mainly locally sourced alfalfa hay and the chickens are fed locally sourced, non-gmo, corn-free feed and are rotated around our pastures in good weather.
We sell the sheep for breeders or on the hoof for meat. The rabbits also are sold for breeders and for meat and the chickens we sell as young layers every spring and we sell their eggs year-round.
The best way to contact us is to call or text Doreen at 785-554-2360; I check our email a couple of times a week; jmadhous@att.net.
I have a facebook farm page, Joy of Nature Farm.